3-Zimmer-Wohnung mieten in Berlin-Karlshorst (Lichtenberg)

3 Raum Wohnung in Karlshorst
Top Premium 3 Raum Wohnung in Karlshorst
1.274,34 €
3 Zi.
77,4 m2

3 Raum Wohnung in Karlshorst

Quelle: www.immowelt.de
1.274,34 €
3 Zi.
77,4 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Terrasse

Objektbeschreibung: Es handelt sich um eine alte ausgebaute Kaserne in sehr ruhiger Gegend. Das Haus hat 1,5 Geschosse und mehrere Aufgänge mit meist 2 Wohneinheiten. Lagebeschreibung: Karlshorst ist bekannt für seine grüne Umgebung,
Familienfreundlichkeit und gute Anbindung. Nahe der Wohnanlage fährt ein Bus. Waren des täglichen Bedarfs sowie Ärzte und Schulen sind fußläufig erreichbar. S-Bahn Karlshorst ist 1,7km entfernt. Raumaufteilung: 3 gut geschnittene Räume vom Flur begehbar, keine Durchgangszimmer Wohnzimmer mit Küchenzeile und Zugang zur Terrasse mit kleinem Gartenanteil Bad hat eine Badewanne und Dusche zusätzliche Abstellkammer inkl. Waschmaschinenanschluss Besichtigungstermine: Bitte den angehangenen Selbstauskunftsbogen an die dort angegebene E-Mail Adresse inkl. der Unterlagen senden. Anschließend werden wir Besichtigungstermine nach Vereinbarung durchführen.
Soutterin Karlshorst 95qm, 3 Zimmer, BJ 2014, Niedrigenergie, solarunterstützt, Fussbodenheizung, Laminat, Garten
Top Premium Soutterin Karlshorst 95qm, 3 Zimmer, BJ 2014, Niedrigenergie, solarunterstützt, Fussbodenheizung, Laminat, Garten
1.300,00 €
3 Zi.
95 m2
1.300,00 €
3 Zi.
95 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Helle Soutterin Wohnung im Neu: Helle Soutterin Wohnung im Neubau (6-2014 fertiggestellt) 2-3 Zimmer (ein Raum kann noch geteilt werden), helles Laminat Zwei WC´s und Dusche gefliest Grosser Küchenbereich mit Essplatz Sehr gepflegtes Haus im
Grünen Gegenüber HTW Treskowallee Gartennutzung möglich Wohnfläche ca. 95qm Zwei Räume haben einen großen Durchbruch. Dieser kann auf Wunsch geschlossen werden. Sehr ruhige Lage im Grünen: und doch zentral. Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sind fußläufig zu erreichen. Das Haus liegt am Ende einer Sackgasse. Raumaufteilung: In der Wohnung befinden sich zwei getrennte WC´s, eine separate Dusche und ein separates Waschbecken mit Stellplatz für eine Waschmaschine Besichtigungstermine: erfolgen nur nach Vereinbarung
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
1.819,47 €
3 Zi.
78,42 m2
1.819,47 €
3 Zi.
78,42 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.545,00 EUR Stichworte: Anzahl Loggias: 1, 4 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-G-E2-WE94, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit Loggia, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit Loggia, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
1.683,47 €
3 Zi.
72,42 m2
1.683,47 €
3 Zi.
72,42 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.430,00 EUR Stichworte: Anzahl Loggias: 1, 3 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-J-E1-WE130, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit Loggia, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit Loggia, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
1.845,47 €
3 Zi.
75,85 m2
1.845,47 €
3 Zi.
75,85 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.580,00 EUR Stichworte: Anzahl Loggias: 1, 4 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-K-E0-WE139, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien
1.769,40 €
3 Zi.
78,4 m2
1.769,40 €
3 Zi.
78,4 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.495,00 EUR Stichworte: Anzahl Loggias: 1, 4 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-E-E2-WE57, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
1.879,40 €
3 Zi.
78,4 m2
1.879,40 €
3 Zi.
78,4 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.605,00 EUR Stichworte: Anzahl Loggias: 1, 4 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-E-E1-WE52, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
1.898,91 €
3 Zi.
78,26 m2
1.898,91 €
3 Zi.
78,26 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.625,00 EUR Stichworte: Anzahl Loggias: 1, 4 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-G-E0-WE84, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit Loggia und Terrasse, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit Loggia und Terrasse, inkl. Tiefgaragenstellplatz
2.045,56 €
3 Zi.
84,16 m2
2.045,56 €
3 Zi.
84,16 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.751,00 EUR Stichworte: Anzahl Terrassen: 1, Anzahl Loggias: 1, 3 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-I-E0-WE115, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien, inkl. StraÃenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit zwei Loggien, inkl. StraÃenstellplatz
1.891,93 €
3 Zi.
65,98 m2
1.891,93 €
3 Zi.
65,98 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.661,00 EUR Stichworte: Anzahl Loggias: 1, 4 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-E-E0-WE48, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit einem Balkon, inkl. StraÃenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit einem Balkon, inkl. StraÃenstellplatz
1.566,21 €
3 Zi.
67,49 m2
1.566,21 €
3 Zi.
67,49 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.330,00 EUR Stichworte: 5 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-F-E2-WE73, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit einem Balkon, inkl. StraÃenstellplatz
Top Premium Schöne 3-Zimmer-Erstbezugswohnung mit einem Balkon, inkl. StraÃenstellplatz
1.596,98 €
3 Zi.
67,71 m2
1.596,98 €
3 Zi.
67,71 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Preisinformation: Nettokaltmiete: 1.360,00 EUR Stichworte: 5 Etagen, Wohnungsnr.: 05-F-E4-WE77, Mindestmietdauer: 12 Monate
Miete/Gewerbe in Ein/Zweifamilienhaus
Top Premium Miete/Gewerbe in Ein/Zweifamilienhaus
2.500,00 €
3 Zi.
118 m2

Miete/Gewerbe in Ein/Zweifamilienhaus

Quelle: www.regionalimmobilien24.de
2.500,00 €
3 Zi.
118 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Die hier zur Vermietung stehende, attraktive und möblierte 3-Zimmerwohnung liegt in einem charmanten Zweifamilienhaus im Erdgeschoß (Hochparterre). Die Zimmer sind inzwischen alle möbliert. Sie ist ideal geeignet zur gewerblichen Nutzung für
stilles Gewerbe, wie zum Beispiel Steuerberater, Rechtsanwälte, Physiotherapeuten, als psychologische Praxis, Arztpraxis, Kosmetik, Fußpflege und Büros jeder Art. Auch eine Vermietung als Wohnraum ist möglich. Die Wohnung/Gewerbe wird befristet bis Ende 2027 angeboten. Die Wohnung wurde 2023 komplett modernisiert. In allen Zimmer wurde hochwertiges Laminat verlegt. Zwei der Zimmer sind mit einer wunderbar erhaltenen und aufgearbeiteten Holzschiebetüre mit Glaselementen verbunden. Die hochwertige neue Einbauküche ist modern mit allen elektrischen Geräten ausgestattet. Weiterhin ist ein Waschtrockner integriert. In Küche und Bad sind dunkle Bodenfliesen verlegt. Das kleine, aber feine Bad hat Dusche, Hänge-WC, Waschbecken, Handtuchheizkörper und Fe
90qm Whg mit 3 Zimmern auf Zeit zu vermieten
Top Premium Neu 90qm Whg mit 3 Zimmern auf Zeit zu vermieten
Preis auf Anfrage
3 Zi.
90 m2

90qm Whg mit 3 Zimmern auf Zeit zu vermieten

Quelle: www.immowelt.de
Preis auf Anfrage
3 Zi.
90 m2
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Lagebeschreibung: Ruhige Lage mit vielen jungen Familien in der Nähe. ÖPNV-Verkehrsanbindung mit Bus U-Bahn und S-Bahn (ca. 30 Minuten bis Mitte) Raumaufteilung: 3 Zimmer mit Küche, Bad (WC, Dusche, Wanne, Fenster) und
Gäste-WC. Im Wohnzimmer gibt es einen Kaminofen, der im Winter wohlige Wärme spendet. Alle Zimmer verfügen über Rollläden. Eine Einbauküche wird mit vermietet. Zur Wohnung gehört auch ein großer Kellerraum, außerdem kann ein separater HW-Raum mit Anschluss für Waschmaschine und Trockner genutzt werden. Besichtigungstermine: Auf Anfrage und nach Vereinbarung.
First occupancy: 3-room apartment with loggia and a terrace, incl. underground aprking space
Top Premium First occupancy: 3-room apartment with loggia and a terrace, incl. underground aprking space
2.045,00 €
3 Zi.
84 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
2.045,00 €
3 Zi.
84 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The loggia will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. The centerpiece of the apartment is the spacious terrace. It's the perfect spot for relaxing mornings, sunny afternoons, or balmy evenings under the open sky. Here you can truly unwind and leave the stresses of everyday life behind. This apartment boasts two high-quality bathrooms. This saves time during busy mornings and adds extra comfort when guests visit. Both b
Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias
Top Premium Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias
1.869,00 €
3 Zi.
78 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.869,00 €
3 Zi.
78 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The two loggias will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. This apartment boasts two high-quality bathrooms. This saves time during busy mornings and adds extra comfort when guests visit. Both bathrooms are fitted with the latest sanitary installations and timeless design. The utility room houses the washing machine and dryer and provides space for storing laundry. Additionally, household items and cleaning products ca
Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias, incl. underground parking space
Top Premium Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias, incl. underground parking space
1.879,00 €
3 Zi.
78 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.879,00 €
3 Zi.
78 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The two loggias will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. This apartment boasts two high-quality bathrooms. This saves time during busy mornings and adds extra comfort when guests visit. Both bathrooms are fitted with the latest sanitary installations and timeless design. The utility room houses the washing machine and dryer and provides space for storing laundry. Additionally, household items and cleaning products ca
Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with loggia, incl. underground parking space
Top Premium Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with loggia, incl. underground parking space
1.845,00 €
3 Zi.
75 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.845,00 €
3 Zi.
75 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. Your personal retreat: The two loggias will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. The utility room houses the washing machine and dryer and provides space for storing laundry. Additionally, household items and cleaning products can be neatly stored here. It's the ideal place to make household chores efficient. Another advantage of this property is its KfW-55 standard. This means not only a sustainable construction for
Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias, incl underground parking space
Top Premium Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias, incl underground parking space
1.898,00 €
3 Zi.
78 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.898,00 €
3 Zi.
78 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The two loggias will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. The utility room houses the washing machine and dryer and provides space for storing laundry. Additionally, household items and cleaning products can be neatly stored here. It's the ideal place to make household chores efficient. Another advantage of this property is its KfW-55 standard. This means not only a sustainable construction for you but also low energy
Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias, incl. underground parking space
Top Premium Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias, incl. underground parking space
1.819,00 €
3 Zi.
78 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.819,00 €
3 Zi.
78 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The two loggias will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. This apartment boasts two high-quality bathrooms. This saves time during busy mornings and adds extra comfort when guests visit. Both bathrooms are fitted with the latest sanitary installations and timeless design. Another advantage of this property is its KfW-55 standard. This means not only a sustainable construction for you but also low energy consumption va
Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias, incl. street parking space
Top Premium Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with two loggias, incl. street parking space
1.891,00 €
3 Zi.
65 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.891,00 €
3 Zi.
65 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The two loggias will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. The utility room houses the washing machine and dryer and provides space for storing laundry. Additionally, household items and cleaning products can be neatly stored here. It's the ideal place to make household chores efficient. Another advantage of this property is its KfW-55 standard. This means not only a sustainable construction for you but also low energy
Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with loggia, incl. underground parking space
Top Premium Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with loggia, incl. underground parking space
1.683,00 €
3 Zi.
72 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.683,00 €
3 Zi.
72 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The loggia will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. The utility room houses the washing machine and dryer and provides space for storing laundry. Additionally, household items and cleaning products can be neatly stored here. It's the ideal place to make household chores efficient. Another advantage of this property is its KfW-55 standard. This means not only a sustainable construction for you but also low energy cons
Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with a balcony, incl. street parking space
Top Premium Beautiful 3-room first occupancy apartment with a balcony, incl. street parking space
1.596,00 €
3 Zi.
67 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.596,00 €
3 Zi.
67 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Overview Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet
flooring, giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. Without a doubt, the standout feature of this apartment is the spacious balcony. Perfect for morning coffee moments, sunny lunch breaks, or evening relaxation. A place where you can feel the urban pulse and still enjoy tranquility. Another advantage of this property is its KfW-55 standard. This means not only a sustainable construction for you but also low energy consumption values, hence lower additional costs. "A win for the environment and your wallet". Your own
Unfurnished 2-bedroom flat in Lichtenberg
Top Premium Unfurnished 2-bedroom flat in Lichtenberg
1.978,00 €
3 Zi.
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.978,00 €
3 Zi.
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet flooring,
giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The two loggias will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. This apartment boasts two high-quality bathrooms. This saves time during busy mornings and adds extra comfort when guests visit. Both bathrooms are fitted with the latest sanitary installations and timeless design. The utility room houses the washing machine and dryer and provides space for storing laundry. Additionally, household items and cleaning products can be neat
Unfurnished 2-bedroom flat, in Prinzenviertel
Top Premium Unfurnished 2-bedroom flat, in Prinzenviertel
1.991,00 €
3 Zi.
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.991,00 €
3 Zi.
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet flooring,
giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. The two loggias will quickly become your favorite spot to unwind at the end of the day and enjoy the view. The utility room houses the washing machine and dryer and provides space for storing laundry. Additionally, household items and cleaning products can be neatly stored here. It's the ideal place to make household chores efficient. Another advantage of this property is its KfW-55 standard. This means not only a sustainable construction for you but also low energy consumpt
Unfurnished 2-bedroom flat near the Karlshorst train station
Top Premium Unfurnished 2-bedroom flat near the Karlshorst train station
1.681,00 €
3 Zi.
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
1.681,00 €
3 Zi.
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
10318 Berlin
Immobilientyp: Wohnung

Your new neighborhood Parkstadt Karlshorst is known for its green surroundings, family-friendliness, and good connectivity. Here, you can combine the benefits of urban living with peace and nature. One true highlight is the elegant parquet flooring,
giving each room a warm and welcoming touch. But this apartment doesn't just win on looks: Underfloor heating ensures comforting warmth and pleasant temperatures throughout the cold months. Another highlight is the fitted kitchen, inviting you to experiment and indulge. Without a doubt, the standout feature of this apartment is the spacious balcony. Perfect for morning coffee moments, sunny lunch breaks, or evening relaxation. A place where you can feel the urban pulse and still enjoy tranquility. Another advantage of this property is its KfW-55 standard. This means not only sustainable construction for you but also low energy consumption values, hence lower additional costs. "A win for the environment and your wallet". Your own parking spa